Posts 911spamedical |1 min read


The ripples and dimples of cellulite can appear on anyone.  Even a super-toned physique may be prone to patches of cellulite no matter what adjustments are made to diet and exercise.  Cellulite results from the way the body holds certain fat deposits, not necessarily from the overall amount of fat present.

Underneath the skin, fibrous cords of connective tissue secure the dermis to the muscle.  In some areas, these cords align in a vertical pattern with uneven sections between them, creating small pockets in which adipose tissue (fat) collects.  The fat cells push up toward the surface producing that characteristic lumpiness associated with cellulite.  Profound RF, by Syneron Candela, presents a simple, painless, non-surgical solution to reduce or remove cellulite by treating it at the source—recalibrating the fibrous cords that support the skin and breaking down the adipose tissue trapped between those cords.


Ideal Body Clinic
