
General cosmetology module

Why study General Cosmetology with us? The cosmetology industry is growing faster than ever before. New innovative products and techniques attract more clients around the globe. Cosmetology is a …

Russian Lips injections

Filling lips with  "Russian style" is a revolutionary technique that will give you a very contemporary look, without "duck lips"! Thanks to this new technique, the lateral profiles of …


CoolSculpting is the leading non-surgical fat reduction treatment. This innovative treatment works by delivering controlled cooling to selectively target fat cells underneath the skin while leaving the skin unaffected. …

Vampire face Lift

If … -Your skin color became grayish due to lower blood flow. -Your facial shape became collapsed and droopy due to muscle weakening or collagen decrease. -Or your skin texture became less smooth and you …

Nose Piercing

Wearing a nose ring is a great way to add a little something to your style; it’s fashionable yet discreet—the perfect type of understated piercing in a business environment. …

Cat eye lift

Cat eye lift If you are suffering from sagging eyelids that appear old, and haggard, and make you look tired, cat eye lift will be the best option for …


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